Froggie Shelf (POP204)


Schools are constantly seeking to create a holistic and fun learning environment for their students. A vital element in that process is kid’s furniture. Combining both aesthetics and functionality, Popcorn furniture’s have created the POP204 Froggie Bookshelf.

24 × 30 × 24 in


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Schools are constantly seeking to create a holistic and fun learning environment for their students. A vital element in that process is kid’s furniture. Combining both aesthetics and functionality, Popcorn furniture have created the POP204 Froggie Bookshelf.
To give students easy access and the room to independently explore what they wish to read makes Froggie shelf comes in handy. Its height and quirkiness attracts the students, making it a great equipment for nursery school.
The small proportion of the shelf makes it a great addition to any classroom or library. The storage capacity of the shelf is astute, and is designed in a way that all books will be visible and accessible without having to struggle.
By adding fun elements like the Frog Shelf to the classroom makes a nursery interesting. Additionally, the mobility factor of the shelf allows one to use the shelf in various locations.
Additional features of the shelf include

  • It is made up of wood, and is therefore extremely durable
  • The wheels at the bottom of the shelf allow easy mobility- even children can move it around

Additional information

Dimensions 24 × 30 × 24 in

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